Connection Between Education and Market


Excerpts from the event: “Connection Between Education and Market” which was organised by Twaweza Communication in Partnership with Goethe Institute, Nairobi. The event took place on 28 March 2018. The discussants, suggested the need to rethink the current education methodology to include the development of skills suited for the current market needs.

Some of the issues raised included:

The quality of education is dropping as the relevance of skills being imparted is put to question.

Skills required in the job market are vastly different from those imparted through the education system. This contributes to Kenya’s high level of unemployment and under employment.

The education system praises those who pass exams, ignoring the fact that those who fail to meet the set exam thresholds have other useful skills that would spur the Kenyan economy.

A comparative analysis between the education systems in Kenya and German was given. It was pointed out that Germany’s education system is based on 3 pillars namely vocational training, dual study and higher education.

The education curriculum in Germany has a mandatory internship programme for students running for 3 month.

In conclusion, Kimani Njogu strongly recommended that Kenyans urgently look for solutions to the unemployment menace.