Call For North and North Eastern Counties DevReporters


Calling applicants from North and North Eastern Counties of Garissa, Isiolo, Lamu, Mandera, Marsabit, Samburu, Tana River, Turkana, Wajir, and West Pokot to join our listing of Development Reporters (DevReporters).

To join the DevReporters’ membership, you must;

  • Be a Kenyan graduate of Journalism, Communications and Media Production from any University
  • Be a Kenyan graduate of Journalism, Communications and Media production from any mid-level collage
  • Be a Kenyan final year student of Journalism, Communications and Media production of any mid-level collage or University
  • Be a freelance/correspondent for not less than three years
  • Have or be willing to develop passion for reporting on issues affecting rural communities and the urban marginalised
  • Be interested in multi-media reporting involving content production covering Web, Print and Radio
  • Hold a valid MCK Press Card or be willing to secure one before training. This is necessary for field production exercises during training and production assignments after training
  • ·Possess smart gadgets (Phone and Laptop) with relevant print and audio production and post-production software along with good knowledge on their usage

Young women are especially encouraged to apply.


Do you fit the above?

Please share your application documents to include:

  • A cover letter stating your interest in joining DevReporters’ membership,
  • The North, North Eastern county from where you’d like to report,
  • The smart gadgets you own (Phone, laptop) with relevant software, as well as the development theme(s) you would be interested in highlighting
  • Copies of relevant academic certificates or transcripts
  • Valid Press Card issued by MCK or confirmation that you will secure by the training session

Your email with the subject: Request to Join DevReporters’ Membership – North and North Eastern Counties, should be addressed to: The convenor, SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 23 September, 2024



Development Reporters (DevReporters) is a network of media practitioners initiated in 2015 and dedicated to the promotion of development information grounded in any development theme, e.g., Devolution, Gender, health, Climate change, food Security, Governance, Elections, Accountability, Economy, etc., with key focus on their impacts on Kenyans, especially grassroots communities in the rural and urban areas.

We have partnered with Development Through Media (DTM) to conduct a series of “learning by doing” capacity building sessions, and are currently updating our Reporters’ listing for an upcoming training for young journalists based in the North and North-Eastern Counties, on multi-media (web & print articles and short radio features) content production. Thereafter, content production assignments will be issued on a rolling basis.