Part 22: Michael Pundo, ED and CEO, Kenya Cultural Centre, Speaks About Margaretta’s Legacy

Celebrating the life of Margaretta wa Gacheru. Click here for the full event.




Development Through Media (DTM) aims to be a strategic media and advocacy partner in programmatic interventions by CSOs and other players in the overall development sector across all development themes.

DTM is among the first non-profit and development oriented media organisation to set up in Kenya in 1996 as a local idea in response to challenges that continue to stand in the way of developing independent and all-inclusive media and broadcast models/institutions for advocacy work here in Kenya and in the region. DTM envisions a well-informed and knowledgeable society that is inclusive and just. Its mission is to use the media to promote among other things, socioeconomic, accountability, constitutionalism, electoral justice and political empowerment of all citizens, including women, youth and other marginalised groups.

DTM has utilised the experiences gained and skills developed over the years working in the CSO sector, to create the Radio Baraza strategy (RB) as an innovated content production, promotion and broadcast model for CSOs and overall development sector advocacy. RB combines production and promotional strategies with a fully-fledged broadcast component that currently operate online and dedicated exclusively to the promotion of development-oriented information. RB has several features, which include Live Radio and other semi-independent sections each with a “Listen on Demand (LoD)” feature. The Live Radio and LoDs are accessible to listeners across Kenya and around the world on a 24/7 basis.