Guidebook On Reporting On Devolution


The guidebook titled Reporting on Devolution” responds to the gaps and experiences of journalists reporting on devolution since the introduction of the devolved governance system in 2013. The book is meant to help journalists and media houses improve their understanding and capacity on reporting on devolution. The guidebook is also a useful tool to other stakeholders working on the devolution agenda.

The guidebook is divided into 6 sections namely: The Role of Media in Development and Democratization, The Constitution and Devolution, Policy Legal Framework for Media Operations, County Government Structures and Functions, and Public Participation: Opportunities, Challenges and lessons learnt.

It is anticipated that the guidebook will aid journalists in the creation of media content that will inspire informed public discourse and citizen participation on matters devolution, and influence County governments and policy makers into making devolution realise its transformative promise on the lives of Kenyans as envisage in the constitution.

The book is published by Kenya Correspondence Association (KCA) in partnership with USAID, UKAID and AHADI. Contact us and let us put you in touch with the publishers.