“Know Your Rights And Duties, A Compendium of Civic Space Laws” – An Education Engagement Strategy for Enhancing CSOs and Media Awareness on the Protection of Civic space during the COVID-19 Pandemic and as the Country Prepares for the 2022 General Elections. Sessions organised between August and December 2021 by the Civil Society Reference Group (CSRG) and Partners for participants drawn from various regions: Nairobi, Nakuru, Meru and Embu, Bungoma/Western and Mombasa. Soundbites derived from the main episodes are broadcast here to draw attention to key messages contained in them


Voice of Dr. Tuesday Gichuki on the public health act that the government used to implement Covid-19 Restrictions

Voice of Dr Tuesday Gichuki on the definition of Civil Society

Voice of Dr Tuesday Gichuki on what a Public Benefit activity is

Voice of Dr Tuesday Gichuki on the role of Civil Society Organisations

Voice of Dr Tuesday Gichuki on the importance of Public Participation in all decisions of government

Voice of Dr Tuesday Gichuki on the importance of respect and collaboration among CSOs

Voice of Dr Tuesday Gichuki on Freedom of Association

Voice of Dr Tuesday Gichuki on Freedom of Expression

Voice of Dr Tuesday Gichuki on the protective role of Freedom of Expression

Voice of Dr Tuesday Gichuki with tips on handling police brutality during public demonstrations

Voice of Dr Tuesday Gichuki on lack of enabling legislation on Pubic Participation

Voice of Dr Tuesday Gichuki on lack of enabling legislation on Pubic Participation