By Lilian Onyango – National DevReporter

Jackline Chirande is a 45 year-old mother of two boys and two girls. Her first born son is in Form three and her last born daughter in PP1.
“My children cannot be in school because the small amount I get can only give us a meal and buy some little house stuff.” Jackeline narrated.
Previously, Jaclkline was able to give her children the best education but now she cannot even afford to provide them with decent food.
She has now resorted to washing clothes for people and doing other odd job in order to put food on the table.
“Right now I’m doing my best to make ends meet. I wash clothes for people to be able put food on the table for my children. We do not stay with their father anymore.”
On the days she fails to secure any earnings, she turns to friends for support.
Cause of the fires
The cause of fires in Gikomba remains a mystery. According to Jonson Sakaja, the senator for Nairobi County, the fires are caused by traders themselves in order to lodge claims from insurance companies, and by people living around the market who handle fire carelessly.
How the fires are described by those concerned.
- Mysterious and only start in the wee hours of the morning.
- Seem to happen elections approach.
- The are becoming normal because the traders are used to it.
- Not always put off because fire fighters always arrive when everything has been burnt down.
- Burns down the market and construction of new stalls starts immediately.
- And lastly, the cause has never been established.
What Gikomba traders says cause the fires
Some traders on say the fires are caused by people who own hotels/kiosks within the area, because they do not put off charcoal fire correctly. Other traders however, say that the government can be linked to the burning of the market.
The traders argue that at the moment, modern houses are being constructed within the market and once a building is completed, burning happens and then a new building is constructed at the same spot.
Media records show that the Gikomba market has burnt more than ten times in the last ten years except in 2011, 2013, 2016.
In 2021, fire broke out two days after Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) was given a nod by Kenya High Court to evict a portion of Gikomba traders to pave way for expansion of Majengo Pumwani Health Center.
This raises eye brows given that the NMS eviction notice was made after 15 acres of land that belonged to Pumwani was allegedly grabbed.
The perennial fire outbreaks at Gikomba market can be addressed through:
- Installation of CCTV cameras to capture all the activities within the market.
- Modernisation of the market and construction of a proper way in and through the market to provide easier movement whenever there is fire.
- Building of fire engines within the market, and ensuring that they always have water.
- Providing security services to guard the market.
A number of political aspirants in the area have promised to mordernise Gikomba market and put an end to the fire outbreaks.