Ndaragwa’s Road Woes: Residents Share Struggles with Dilapidated Networks and Daily Frustrations.

A picture showing a motorbike going downhill a rough road| Photo by Wangechi Githinji

By Wangeci Githinji, DevReporter, Nyandarua County

  • Lack of adequate and efficient road infrastructure is hindering economic development in Nyandarua County
  • Residents of Ndaragwa Constituency, Nyandarua County are facing challenges due to poor road network
  • There is need for better road connections with neighbouring counties such as Laikipia, Nakuru, and Kiambu, in order to boost Nyandarua‘s agricultural sector and its overall economy.

“During the rainy season, the roads are in bad condition. Impassable. It becomes difficult, why? Vehicles get stuck, others breakdowns. Hence, it is difficult to access the market,” says Samuel Wanjohi, a resident of Uruku, Nyandarua County.

Delivering Goods to the Market.

Farmers in Nyandarua County are suffering losses due to poor transport system. During the rainy season, the roads become particularly impassable, making it difficult to deliver farm produce to the market.

“With efficient transport system, I will be able to deliver my produce to the market without suffering losses as a result of poor transport system,” states James.

Nyandarua County is one of the major contributors to the growth of the country’s agriculture. However, due to inadequate and poor quality roads, this contribution has been significantly diminished.

Minor Accidents.

Minor road accidents are also common, for example, people falling off motorbikes and getting injured.

“One time while leaving for the market, I fell off a motorbike, broke my waist and ended up getting admitted in the hospital,” Zipporah says.

Abandoned or Neglected?

The Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KERRA) is responsible for managing and maintaining rural roads in the country. The Constitution of Kenya mandates KERRA to ensure reasonable access to all parts of the Republic.

However, there are concerns that leaders have abandoned their responsibility of maintaining the roads, leaving projects unfinished and funds misappropriated. The locals are calling for the completion of these projects to ensure better road conditions for all users.

Ruth Njenga, a resident of the County, calls to leaders from the locality to take responsibility and complete the unfinished projects.

“My wish is for the leaders and stakeholder involved in these projects to ensure that they are completed, because it is becoming unbearable for us, the road users, ” Ruth asserts.

A picture of locals walking on a rough road| Photo by Wangechi Githinji.

As part of its response to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, Kenya is prioritising road rehabilitation to improve mobility and access to basic services.

Road rehabilitation is therefore among Government’s priorities, as they provide and improve mobility of goods and people to the market, as well as ease access to basic services.

The Kenya Rural Roads Authority, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, is working to deliver timely services guided by professionalism, innovation, integrity, equity, teamwork, and collaboration. There are on-going efforts to upgrade the roads in Nyandarua County to improve agricultural areas and support economic growth.

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