Promo: African Women in Tech and Design (AWiTad) Ep 3 With Lena Wanjiku


Podcast Title: African Women in Tech and Design (AWiTad)

Category: Podcast Series/Episode 3 Promo

Theme: Tech and Design

Episode Three Title: Taking Computers to the People

About the Episode

In this show, the Podcast’s host, Ziki guides us into an interesting world of computers and how guest Lena is impacting lives at the grassroots.

1:150 and 1:5. This is the ratio of computers to kids in rural and urban settings as found in a study done in Kenya.

Lenah Wanjiku is one of the co founders of African Centurion, which is the umbrella organization for Kids Comp Camp and Computer Mashinani. These initiatives aim to empower both kids and adults with computer skills to help bridge the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (S.T.E.M) gap between citizens living in rural and urban areas.

Having come from a humble rural background, Lenah made it her mission to upscale her life and the lives of others who are just like her using technology as her tool. After excelling in secondary school, she got admission at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology where she pursued a degree in Agricultural Engineering.

In this episode, we get to learn about the challenges and triumphs on her quest to bridge the educational gap that exists in the technology world between rural and urban settings in Kenya and ultimately between Kenya and other developed countries.

Listen to Episode Two here: