Promo: African Women in Tech and Design (AWiTad) Ep 1


Podcast Title: African Women in Tech and Design (AWiTad)

Category: Podcast Series/Episode 1 Promo

Theme: Tech and Design

Episode Two Title: Getting to Know the Hosts

About Episode One

In this episode, the Podcast’s hosts, Ziki and Eve let us into the crux of the show, what inspired its creation, its philosophy, its vision and much more.

About the Podcast Series

In the Beginning, somewhere in 2016, there was Ziki with an idea for a radio programme to showcase Africa’s Art and Design journey. It took a long time for Development Through Media (DTM) to buy into the idea. Then in late 2017, our producer had a chance meeting with Eve and the ensuing discussions with both Ziki and Eve led to the inclusion of IT aspects into the Podcast. With Ziki and Eve agreeing to donate their time to hosting the 12 episodes in the inaugural season, the idea for the Podcast was finally concluded.

The African Women in Technology and Design (AWiTaD) Podcast is in essence aims to to feature women of African descent who have built, or are well on their way to building successful businesses in IT and Design. The Podcast provides a platform for these women to share their stories and the journeys they have taken to get them where they are today. It also explores their thoughts as they share their plans on future endeavors as business owners and/or influencers in the field of Tech and Design. Read more

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