Wachira Maina On Kenya’s Expensive Elections


Kenya’s spending has had her citizens raising their eyebrows especially over recent years. The public debt burden weighing heavily on current and future generations. Yet are Kenyans aware that Kenya actually runs one of the world’s most expensive elections?

In this clip, Wachira Maina expounds on this jarring reality giving facts and figures that may make you swoon.

These are snippets from the Katiba at 11 Event held in August 2021 in light of the upcoming Katiba at 12. Find out more here: https://www.radiobaraza.org/katiba11/

“Katiba@11”: Event Organised on 27 August 2021 by the Linda Katiba Coalition, Kenya Tuitakayo Movement and Partners, to evaluate the implementation and performance of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 in the last 11 years. Event was organised on 27 August 2021 by the Linda Katiba Coalition, Kenya Tuitakayo Movement and other Partners.